
The modpack "Industrial Revolution" was originally created by a YouTuber named Enchant3d. He mainly made tutorial videos on the Create mod. The server was announced in one of his videos during the summer holidays of 2022. The server was hosted locally at his place and had many flaws: since the machine was at his home, he would turn it off at night and only turn it back on in the morning. If the server crashed, he had to be present and available to restart it. Beyond that, his management of the server was more than questionable. He prohibited the creation of certain factories (such as wood factories) on the grounds that they created too much lag, while he did not hesitate to make them himself, as shown in his videos, which caused tension between the players and Enchant3d. A few weeks later, when a bug related to Create trains corrupted all the chunks of one of the countries, he did not hesitate to delete all the corrupted chunks at the root of the server, without trying to solve the problem more cleanly. Personal revenge or simple laziness, we give him the benefit of the doubt.

At that point, some players left the server and decided to start developing a new Industrial Revolution server managed more impartially. The bugs kept coming, Enchant3d's server power was insufficient, and players were leaving the server. A player named AZARUS decided to take over Enchant3d's server by renting a dedicated server from Minestrator. The server encountered new bugs, making it inaccessible for several days. In response to these numerous bugs, it was decided several times to reset the server completely, forcing the players to start over from scratch each time, which demoralized the last remaining players. During the last weeks of AZARUS's server, only LeChevalier was present. AZARUS's server closed in the spring of 2023.

At the beginning of the summer of 2023, the members of the USA country decided to try to revive the server. There were four of them: LeChevalier, LilouAttaque, Célestinconnu, and Bacturus. Their goal was simple: to make a server with as few mods as possible to avoid crashes and reopen it as quickly as possible. It was around mid-summer 2023 that SHARK.studio, a member of the team who had left around the beginning of Enchant3d's server, contacted this team, proposing a merger because the two projects were very similar. It was at this moment that we came into being.

Feeling useless and having limited availability, Célestinconnu and Bacturus abandoned the adventure. With the new team in place, the specifications began to emerge: a customized mod to manage a job system, a website to host a wiki documenting the wide variety of mods, a Discord bot to manage diplomacy, a custom launcher, a spawn area in the spirit of Create, and more. Everyone got to work. Unfortunately, a few months later, LilouAttaque was removed from the project for his inaction and his astounding ability to propose ideas he was unable to carry out himself. The team was filtered to keep only the real workers (see the team page).

As I write this, the server is not yet open to the public, but it won't be long...